Maxhib OA-3090

Chemical name
Maxhib OA-3090
Maxhib OA-3090
Maxhib OA-3090
Maxhib OA-3090
Individual inquiries
Available on the US market

Maxhib OA-3090 is recommended to replace sodium nitrite as the corrosion inhibitors when formulating cutting fluids, drawing compounds and industrial cleaners. Maxhib OA-3090 is especially effective in preventing vapor phase corrosion and protecting non-ferrous metals.

Alternative names
Modified Amine

Manufacturer: PCC Chemax Inc.

PCC Chemax Inc. is specialized in the production of surfactants and chemical specialist additives used, i.a. in the metallurgical, textile, refinery and mining, and plastics industry.

PCC Group

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