Disinfection in schools – learning safe during the pandemic

Returning to schools, kindergartens and universities in the time of the coronavirus pandemic is an important and difficult challenge, both for children and parents, as well as for teams running educational institutions.  Every effort should be made to make children and young people feel safe. The key to fighting the disease, that is still unexplored to a certain extent, is to follow epidemiological and sanitary recommendations, and one of the most effective ways to prevent infections is proper disinfection. In our article, we present several methods of maintaining hygiene in schools and kindergartens, as well as in nurseries and universities.

Published: 15-09-2020

Take care of fresh air

Let’s start with the proper airing of rooms and air purification. Adequate ventilation reduces the risk of transmission of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it is worth remembering about frequent airing, especially during breaks. Green plants are helpful in cleaning the air. Among the recommended species, we can find, among others, fern, common ivy, peace lilies and many others. We should also remember about frequent vacuuming and cleaning. Pathogenic microorganisms can hide in residual dust, which often floats in the air and pollutes it.

A clean desk is essential

Schools, kindergartens and universities constitute a common space where there are many items and equipment used by different people. The benches, desks and sanitary fixtures are perfect habitats for bacteria. Therefore, remember to regularly clean and disinfect the equipment, furniture and other common surfaces. Considering nurseries and kindergartens, it is important to remember that children are very eager to touch various objects and thus they unconsciously spread microorganisms on their hands. For this reason, special cleanliness should be kept there, especially in places where children may come into contact.

Remember to disinfect

Today, disinfection is the best recommended method for preventing infection. Therefore, we should remember about this, especially in school or care facilities. Disinfection is necessary, above all, in spaces such as classrooms, cloakrooms, toilets and other public areas. It is also important to disinfect desks, benches, chairs, furniture or sports equipment. Let us not forget either about places such as floors, handrails, door handles and light switches that are touched by many people. In the case of nurseries or kindergartens, let’s also take into account the safe disinfection of toys, changing tables, mattresses and deckchairs that children use during naps.

Hygiene is paramount

In addition to taking care of cleanliness in the rooms, we should also remember about our personal hygiene. Washing hands – instructions for washing and disinfecting hands – and face can save us from serious diseases. Let us never forget about it, especially as soon as we return home, and especially before every meal. Let us also pay attention to this in schools and help children in nurseries and kindergartens to maintain hygiene. We also use disinfectants suitable for the skin. They will help to get rid of any pathogenic microorganisms.

Keeping it clean is very important to reduce the risk of infection. Remember, however, that we are considering surfaces used by children who often touch many things unknowingly and accidentally. For this reason, the selection of effective, yet safe disinfectants is crucial. Both cleaning agents and disinfectants should have a proven composition, the safety of which is confirmed by proper approvals and approval certificates.

Let’s focus on the highest quality products that will ensure safe learning for our children throughout the year.

  1. https://www.gov.pl/web/nauka/wytyczne-mein-mz-i-gis-dla-szkol-podstawowych-i-ponadpodstawowych-obowiazujace-od-1-wrzesnia-2021-r
  2. https://samorzad.pap.pl/kategoria/aktualnosci/koronawirus-rekrutacja-do-szkol-i-przedszkoli-wazne-wytyczne-uodo
  3. https://samorzad.infor.pl/sektor/zadania/oswiata/4647845,Koronawirus-Wstepne-wytyczne-sanitarne-GIS-dla-szkol-od-wrzesnia-2020-r.html

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