Large manufacturers vs. plastic

The amount of plastic we use is one of our greatest environmental problems. The ever increasing consumption of goods in plastic packaging has transformed this issue into a pressing problem. Fortunately, an increasing number of large global manufacturers are opting for ecological packaging.

Published: 2-12-2020

Rivals moving in the same direction

Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been rivals since the end of the 19th century. Throughout thus period their business war has taken various forms. Due to the crisis caused by the overuse of plastic, both companies have chosen a similar direction when it comes to replacing plastic. In July of this year, Pepsi announced that it had joined a global consortium with the aim of constructing and promoting the world’s first recyclable paper bottle. In October, Coca-Cola, the biggest competitor to Pepsi, also announced that it would like to introduce a fully biodegradable bottle made solely from paper. If these two giants, the leading manufacturers of plastic bottles, replace plastic with paper then it will undoubtedly bring us closer to solving this increasingly important problem.

An iconic drink in… paper?

In July of this year, Diageo, the manufacturer of such iconic drinks as Johnnie Walker and Guinness, announced that its collaboration with companies from the packaging industry had led to the development a completely plastic-free bottle. It is based on paper and fully biodegradable. Diageo is planning to place it on the market as early as in 2021, starting with its world-famous Johnnie Walker. While it might seem that such drinks are sold in glass bottles, plastic bottles are available as well, and we should not forget about plastic labels. In the paper version, the label will in fact be part of the bottle, because it will be possible to print directly on the packaging.

A family business fighting a global problem

Bacardi is an award-winning family company from the spirits industry, a manufacturer of iconic rums praised around the world. Amid the global crisis, it has also decided to change its whole packaging line-up and go for paper. Bacardi is planning to replace all its plastic packaging with paper by 2030, which means that 80 million fewer plastic bottles will be manufactured every year. The new packaging will be 100% biodegradable of course (biodegrading takes only 18 months), with rums being the first products to be available in the new bottles.

As we can see, an increasing number of large companies are opting for biodegradable packaging. Most of it is based on paper and paper pulp. In its product portfolio, PCC Group has a wide range of products for the cellulose and paper industry. All products from this category can be found under the following link:

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