PCC Greenline®
Green Chemistry

Acting within the international structures of PCC Group enables us to create and develop in many directions, together setting trends in modern chemistry.

Green Chemistry from PCC Group
PCC Greenline®

The chemical industry was one of the first global economy sectors to start searching for stable and reliable sustainable development approaches. Chemicals manufacturers have been taking efforts to introduce advanced environmental schemes, implement clean and safe processes and certified products, for a long time. This is not an easy task, as it requires considerable outlays on developing new and innovative technologies, modernizing production facilities or building new installations. It is also required to implement and apply a number of local and international standards and management systems, and to adjust production and sales to a range of legal regulations.

Today, we can barely imagine modern chemistry without an effective operating strategy that includes environmental aspects. They are an essential part of the policies used by chemicals producers such as PCC Group, where the operating and engineering activities must be conducted in a way to include the exploration of natural environment. Such an approach makes it possible to balance ecological, economical and social factors. Presently PCC Group, as a manufacturer of a wide range of chemicals, does not diverge from the European and global standards used in the chemical sector.

What is Green Chemistry?

Green chemistry stands for developing such chemicals and processes which reduce or eliminate the production or consumption of hazardous substances. Green chemistry is also known as sustainable chemistry.Developed for nearly 30 years, the concept is based on a few essential areas.

prevents contamination on molecular level
it is a concept that concerns all the fields of chemistry, not just one
uses innovative scientific solutions for real environmental issues
reduces contamination sources and prevents their generation during the processes


PCC Groups has been setting standards in effective planning of production processes and the use of high technologies for years. With our broad and diverse portfolio of PCC Greenline® products, we are also the leader in sustainable manufacturing.
PCC Greenline® Products
Based on natural ingredients
Natural detergents
100% biodegradable
Biodegradable product
Energy-efficient construction
PCC Greenline® Products
In the face of challenges relating to sustainable production and consumption, one of PCC Group’s priorities in the field of extending its portfolio is to develop a range of products that match the green chemistry trend. In times when the industry is increasingly aware and responsible for the environment and climate change, a particular focus on ‘green’ and ecological production becomes more important than ever before. Taking part in the green transformation of global chemical industry, PCC Group offers a new product segment: PCC Greenline®.  These products address the demand of many companies operating in various industrial sectors, where PCC Group is one of the links in the supply chain.
Passive construction
Low emission of Volatile Organic Compounds
Not classified according to CLP/GHS Regulation
Halogen free
Formaldehyde free
Low triphenyl phosphate
Solvent-free production
Paraben free
GMO free
Bio raw materials
Product of natural origin
Fibre optic technologies
SVHC free
Not tested on animals
Waste-free production
Production based on recycled materials
Technology with the DMC catalyst
Manufactured from recycled materials
Phenol free
Phenol free

PCC Group
Responsible production, sustainable technologies


small hydroelectric power plants of the PCC Group have been registered with the UNFCCC and recognised by the UN as climate protection projects.

Solar and wind power

of the energy needed for the production of dimethyl ether in one of our joint ventures is generated from solar and wind power sources.

Geothermal energy

of the energy used by a silicon metal production plant of PCC BakkiSilicon hf. in Iceland is obtained from natural geothermal sources.

Intermodal logistics

tonnes of CO2 – this is the amount by which we reduced greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 as a result of using combined rail and road intermodal transport.

Energy-efficient production

of CO2 less per tonne of caustic soda lye, which translates into a reduction in gas emissions that we have achieved due to the energy-efficient membrane technology for the production of chlorine.

ISO certifications

Our company’s operations and production processes are based on quality management systems and environmental management systems. The certificates obtained are an attestation of our competence in these areas. We strive to improve our performance and comply with national environmental management standards in order to take part in international trade. We apply working principles in accordance with procedures that also allow for legally permissible use of the environment. In this way, we look after the interests of our customers by offering them products that meet standardized standards, which prove their high quality.

Chemistry with the climate

Thanks to global projects in which PCC Group companies participate, we can measure, plan and control our impact on climate change, while gaining a unique opportunity to be assessed by prestigious business, scientific, industry, environmental and social groups of international scope. One prestigious initiative involves the extensive reporting of greenhouse gas emissions as part of the international Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and the actions implemented to reduce them. PCC EXOL SA, as one of the companies of the PCC Group that carries out activities to reduce GHG emissions, participates in the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project). In line with the doctrine of the CDP, the company monitors its impact on climate change and takes action to reduce greenhouse gases. Learn more at www.cdp.net

PCC Greenline®