Ekoprodur® 4540W Polyurethane system

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Ekoprodur® 4540W Polyurethane system
Ekoprodur® 4540W Polyurethane system
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ISO 9001ISO 9001
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EKOPRODUR 4540W is an aqueous, two-component system for producing polyurethane foams intended for thermal insulation of boilers, water heaters and tanks on periodic lines with increased mechanical resistance. The system can be processed with both low- and high-pressure foaming machines. The density of the foam in the finished product should be not less than 40 kg/m³.

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Properties and applications
  • operational properties of EKOPRODUR 4540W system provide increased productivity;
  • the product is characterised by good processing and perfect performance ;
  • the system increases mechanical resistance of elements, in which it is used (boilers, heaters), particularly in applications with flexible jacket;
  • the final product provides insulation of high impact resistance, which does not deform under load during assembly (placing the boiler on the side);
  • it is used for the production of polyurethane foams for thermal insulation of boilers, water heaters and tanks;
Alternative names
  • Polyurethane
  • PU
  • PUR
  • polyurethane lagging

Manufacturer: PCC Prodex Sp. z o.o.

PCC Prodex Sp. z o.o. is a long-term manufacturer of one and two-component polyurethane systems used, for example to produce rigid and semi-rigid insulation materials, insulating spray foams or various types of glue.

PCC Group

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