Hydrochloric acid synthetic is a chemical compound which is an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas. It has strong corrosive properties, a strong, irritating odour, and colourless to pale yellow. Hydrochloric acid synthetic grade is produced by direct synthesis of elements - burning chlorine in hydrogen and then absorbing hydrogen chloride into water. Hydrochloric acid synthetic grade is supplied to the market at a concentration of 33% to 35.5%.
Hydrochloric acid is of a very high quality due to the low contamination content resulting from the production methods at the synthesis plant (chlorine combustion in hydrogen). This highest quality product is hygienically certified, and approved by the National Institute of Hygiene (PZH).
Hydrochloric acid synthetic grade meets the requirements of European standard EN939 for the use of a substance intended for water treatment. Such a good quality product is applicable in highly demanding industries such as the food industry, cosmetics industry, as well as industrial and consumer water treatment processes.
Hydrochloric acid is used for closed loop dosing as an acidity regulator for water purification systems or for cleaning-disinfecting-degreasing agents. It can also be used as an acidity regulator in food products (E507). This product is dosed in small quantities, especially for confectionery, curd cheese, homogenised cheese, yoghurts, juices, syrups, beer, processed cereal products, dietetic foods, spices, and baby food.
In the cosmetics industry, hydrochloric acid is used as a pH regulator for the production of cosmetics. In small amounts it is also an additive for paints and hair brighteners. It is used as a pH regulator in the treatment of water intended for consumption and in the production of coagulants used in these processes. Hydrochloric acid is also used in the production of chloroalkalies – it is involved in the regeneration of membranes and the acidification of brine at membrane electrolysis plants. In the power industry, it is used for regeneration of ion exchangers and in industrial water treatment processes for pH regulation.
In addition, hydrochloric acid is widely used in the production of industrial chemistry, household chemistry, descaling and disinfecting agents, agrochemicals, as well as in the construction industry. Pure hydrochloric acid also produces chemical reagents for laboratory purposes.
In the pharmaceuticals industry this product is used for the synthesis of medicines such as ascorbic acid and para-aminobenzoic acid. In the mining industry, hydrochloric acid is used for the extraction of ores, for metalworking and for their extraction, for the etching of steel, aluminium, titanium, and magnesium. In galvanising and zinc-plating, it is used to clean metal surfaces, while in refining processes it is used in the production of biofuels, oils, and lubricants.
Hydrochloric acid is used in tannery for degreasing the surface of the skin. In the textile industry, it is used to neutralise alkaline residues in cotton in the cleaning process immediately prior to bleaching.
It is also used in the production of "aqua regia", which is a combination of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid.
PCC MCAA Sp. z o.o. is one of the leading manufacturers of monochloroacetic acid in Europe. The state-of-the-art system and fully optimised production processes enable the production of ultrapure monochloroacetic acid (UP MCAA).
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