Flo Universal Liquid Pearl of Marseille is a universal liquid dedicated to washing various washable surfaces, which effectively removes all dirt. The unique formula of the 4 in 1 fluid makes it streak-free and the fluid is extremely effective against various types of impurities. The unique liquid formula makes it not leave streaks. It has a delicate aroma of Marseille and white soap, which makes cleaning more pleasant.
FLO Universal liquid Pearl of Marseille is produced in accordance with ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 standards, which take into account environmental protection and use modern, environment-friendly technologies, which allow to reduce energy consumption and increase economic efficiency.
Manufacturer: PCC Consumer Products Kosmet Sp. z o.o.
PCC Consumer Products Kosmet is one of the largest Polish manufacturers of ready-to-use chemical formulations, including cosmetics and personal hygiene products, disinfectants, household and professional chemistry.
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