CAMOLIN® Gruszka & Agrest natural vegan dishwashing liquid perfectly removes grease and dirt. Thanks to the content of mild plant-based agents, it also cares for the skin of the hands.
CAMOLIN® Gruszka & Agrest is a great and proven liquid for daily washing of dishes, cutlery, pots, pans and heat-resistant dishes. Effectively removes greasy dirt, food residues, dried oil, and washed dishes leave perfectly clean and shiny, without streaks.
The natural vegan formula of the liquid means that your dishes will not only shine clean, but also remain in harmony with the natural environment, and you using it will significantly help to protect our planet and animals.
CAMOLIN® Gruszka & Agrest has the Ecolabel (European Flower) certificate awarded to products that minimize the negative impact on the environment.
The washing ingredients used in the production of CAMOLIN® Gruszka & Agrest are easily biodegradable.
CAMOLIN® to marka, która powstała z miłości do natury. Linia produktów do sprzątania i prania została stworzona na bazie składników pochodzenia naturalnego, które przy minimalnym dozowaniu pozwalają uzyskać maksymalny efekt czyszczenia. Są skuteczne, a przy tym łagodne dla Ciebie i środowiska.
Składniki: 5-15% anionowe środki powierzchniowo-czynne <5% niejonowe środki powierzchniowo-czynne, <5% amfoteryczne środki powierzchniowo-czynne, <5% kompozycja zapachowa, <5% środek konserwujący (Phenoxyethanol , Benzisothiazolinone).
Sposób użycia: Nanieść niewielką ilość na gąbkę. Dostosować ilość płynu do ilości naczyń i stopnia ich zabrudzenia. Po umyciu dokładnie spłukać wodą i pozostawić do wyschnięcia.
Manufacturer: PCC Consumer Products Kosmet Sp. z o.o.
PCC Consumer Products Kosmet is one of the largest Polish manufacturers of ready-to-use chemical formulations, including cosmetics and personal hygiene products, disinfectants, household and professional chemistry.
All the above information related to the product are provided according to the best knowledge of the manufacturer and published in good faith. However, the manufacturer does not guarantee the information and contents of this document are complete and accurate, and shall not be liable for the results of using them. The user is obliged to verify and confirm the information and contents of this documentation on his/her own. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the content of this document at any time without stating reasons of such changes.