GREENLINE Chlorine, which comes in liquid form is a pure, amber-coloured liquid, approximately 1.5 times heavier than water. It is one of basic raw materials used, among others, in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Energy used to produce the GREENLINEchlorine comes from renewable sources, as confirmed by guarantees. Moreover, the GREENLINE chlorine is produced in the process of energy-saving membrane electrolysis which is the state-of-the-art technology for chlorine and alkali production.
Chlorine is a chemical element from the halogen group. It is a non-metal and a substance with strong oxidizing properties. It is highly reactive and has a high electron affinity. One of its properties is an intense, suffocating smell. It is a constituent of many well-known salts and many other chemical compounds. It bonds directly with many chemical elements to form the so-called chlorides.
Manufacturers who sell chlorine on an industrial scale produce it by way of electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride solution. Originally, it is created as a gas. Sodium hydroxide and hydrogen are also products of this process. Chlorine subjected to the process condensation is introduced into pressure vessels of different sizes.
As a base material, chlorine is very important not only for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. It is also supplied wholesale to manufacturers who produce PVC and pickle aluminium. These sectors use chlorine on a large scale in their manufacturing processes.
Chlorine is also a known disinfectant for drinking water and swimming pools. It is used to produce effective hand sanitizers and surface disinfectants as well as bleach for paper and fabric. In addition, chlorine is used in the production of antiseptics, dyes, plastics, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, paints and varnishes, petroleum products, pesticides, and many other products. It is also used in some industrial syntheses of organic compounds.
Chlorinated solvents are used as an extraction medium, in pharmaceutical processes, in printing, mining, and plastics processing, in the production of glue, and in paints and varnishes. Chlorine compounds have been used in pharmaceutical preparations for many years and play a role in combating infections and numerous diseases. Chlorine is used not only in antiseptics, but also in medicines such as chloramphenicol.
Thanks to the environmentally-friendly membrane-based production technology and guarantees of renewable energy origin, the GREENLINE chlorine is widely used by the most demanding manufacturers in various sectors. The GREENLINE chlorine is recommended especially for manufacturers who are implementing a strategy to reduce the carbon footprint of their products. Those manufacturers operate in many different industries, where chlorine, as a base material, has to meet the most stringent requirements both in terms of quality and achieving the sustainable development goals.
PCC Rokita SA is one of the largest chemical companies in Poland as well as Central and Eastern Europe. Its activity includes the production of chloroalkali, polyether polyols, polyalkylene glycols and phosphorus derivatives.
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