ROKAfos 385 is an anionic surfactant that belongs to the group of phosphate esters. The product is made from ethoxylated 2-ethylhexyl alcohol. At a temperature of 25°C it is a viscous, clear liquid. It may also have a cloudy colour. ROKAfos 385 is offered as a sodium salt with an active substance content of about 85%. The freezing point of the product is about 4°C, while the density at 25°C is about 1.13 g/ml.
ROKAfos 385 is a surfactant that has excellentwetting, washing and cleaning properties. It also has a very good antistatic effect. It is widely used in the textile industry, metallurgy and in the production of detergents, especially in preparations for cleaning hard surfaces. ROKAfos 385 also has hydrotroping properties.This means that the product enables better water solubility of other substances, especially in an alkaline environment. ROKAfos 385 also has good anti-corrosion properties, especially in the case of ferrous metals.
ROKAfos 385 is a surfactant that is biodegradable in the natural environment.
Poly (oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), α- (2-ethylhexyl) -ω-hydroxy-, phosphate, sodium salt
sodium salt phosphoric ester
2-ethylhexanol, ethoxylated, phosphated, sodium salt
CAS 111798-26-6.
Manufacturer: PCC Exol SA
PCC EXOL SA is one of the most important manufacturers of surfactants and chemical formulations in Central and Eastern Europe. The company offers surfactants, specialist additives and chemical formulations for many branches of industry.
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