EKOPRODUR S10-HP is a polyurethane system consisting of: polyol part (component A) and isocyanate part (component B). Each of the ingredients is a liquid and has different parameters. The higher viscosity component A is yellow to orange, while the higher density component B has a brown colour. In addition, the system is distinguished by the lack of volatile organic compounds (VOC), as it does not contain foaming agents that significantly deplete the ozone layer - in accordance with European Union regulations, Regulation (EC) No. 1005/2009 of 16.IX.2009.
The system is foamed with carbon dioxide (CO2) produced in the reaction of component A with component B. The result of the combination and thorough mechanical mixing of both components is a semi-rigid foam (soft foam) with an open-cell structure. The system should only be processed using high-pressure foaming units equipped with a foaming head. This product is a unique system designed for the production of thermal insulation with acoustic properties, applied only inside residential, commercial, public and industrial buildings, including hangars. The system is characterized by physico-mechanical parameters that remain unchanged over time. Spraying should be carried out so that the resulting layers are as thick as possible, even > 100 mm. The proper thickness of the insulation, which additionally is jointless, improves the energy efficiency of the entire insulated surface. The material should not be exposed to direct UV radiation (sunlight) and have contact with a very humid environment. In such situations, insulation should be properly secured.
EKOPRODUR S10-HP was introduced for sale on the basis of the Regulation on construction products CPR No. 305/2011 along with the assessment of performance carried out by the Building Research Institute in accordance with the European harmonized standard PN-EN 14315-1. The product has the PZH hygienic certificate, as well as CE marking confirmed by the Declaration of Performance issued for this product.
The EKOPRODUR S10-HP system is used for the production of semi-rigid (soft) foam, which at the same time is a sprayed thermal and acoustic insulation applied directly to the roof surface, attic, ceiling, walls, among others in wooden, masonry, steel and skeletal structures of residential, industrial and public buildings, regardless of the building material from which they are made.
Main application advantages of the product:
Applicability directly onto the insulated surface made of most commercially available construction materials;
Internal thermal and acoustic insulation with a wide application range (both in modernized and newly erected buildings);
Incomparably light insulation that does not overload the building structure;
Jointless in-sulation without thermal bridges or air gaps responsible for heat loss;
The ability to isolate hard-to-reach places, especially slants and gaps in the case of attic insulation, with full insulation tightness guarantee;
The speed of execution and versatile technique of applying insulation give the possibility of making the whole insulation even in one day - the outer layer dries in about 13 seconds;
Thermal and acoustic insulation with high resistance to moisture and wind due to Bio Defence Technology protects the insulated object against mould and fungi;
Mechanical properties of polyurethane foam made with the EKOPRODUR S10-HP system:
The apparent density of the core: ≥ 6,5 kg/m3
Classification of the reaction to fire performance: F
Short-term water absorption by partial immersion, WP ≤ 1,5 kg/m2
Coefficient of thermal conductivity:
λmean, i : 0,037 W/(m·K)
λ90, 90 : 0,038 W/(m·K)
Declared value, λD for thickness: 0,038 W/(m·K)
High mechanical strength, compressive strength: σ10 ≥ 5 kPa
Coefficient of water vapor diffusion resistance: μ 6
Temperature stability:
70°C, 90% RH, po 48 DS(70,90)4
-20°C, po 48 DS(-20,-)4
Adhesion of the foam, perpendicular to the ground ≥ 20 kPa
The content of closed cells: ≤ 20%
In order for the foam to keep its parameters, it is necessary to clean the insulated surface of dust, oil, loose fragments and other agents that may reduce the adhesion of foam before starting work. In addition, it is important to secure the room and the immediate surroundings, mainly windows, doors, furniture, to avoid accidental soiling.
PCC Prodex Sp. z o.o. is a long-term manufacturer of one and two-component polyurethane systems used, for example to produce rigid and semi-rigid insulation materials, insulating spray foams or various types of glue.
All the above information related to the product are provided according to the best knowledge of the manufacturer and published in good faith. However, the manufacturer does not guarantee the information and contents of this document are complete and accurate, and shall not be liable for the results of using them. The user is obliged to verify and confirm the information and contents of this documentation on his/her own. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the content of this document at any time without stating reasons of such changes.