Rokolub FR T-32 is an organophosphate in the form of a colourless to pale yellow liquid. It is characterized by a viscosity of ISO VG 32 grade. This product is a fire-resistant synthetic base oil to formulate industrial hydraulic fluid. It is classified as HFDR (anhydrous, fire resistant hydraulic fluids based on phosphate esters) according to ISO 6743-4.
Its high fire resistance and self-extinguishing properties makes Rokolub FR T-32 an excellent solution for devices exposed to fire, and in some applications even the only acceptable for use. Its use ensures safety in emergency situations, such as e.g. leakage of high pressure fluid near a fire source. An additional advantage of Rokolub FR T-32 is its non-classification as a hazard to human health, which allows safe use of the product.
Fire resistant hydraulic fluids based on organophosphate in comparison to available solutions (including those based on mineral and synthetic oils of the PAG and POE type) are characterized by the highest temperature resistance and the best fire resistance. Flash point of this product group goes above 240°C, the combustion temperature above 300°C and the auto-ignition temperature above 530°C. The high fire resistance of aryl phosphate esters is confirmed by excellent test results, such as: Manifold Ignition, Spray Ignition, Wick Flame Persistence.
Rokolub FR T-32 meets the key requirements for hydraulic fluids. It is characterized by excellent lubricating properties, confirmed by the results of the four-ball test. In addition, the product has good hydrolytic stability due to the low water content (less than 0.1% m / m) and a low acid value (less than 0.1 mgKOH / g). Its oxidation stability is also at a very good level.
Fire resistant HFDR hydraulic fluids are successfully used in the power generation, metallurgy and mining industries. Rokolub FR T-32 is designed for devices working in fire hazard areas and exposed to contact with hot surfaces (including power plants as well as steel and aluminium casting processes).
p-tert-butylphenyl-di-phenyl phosphate and bis (p-tertbutylphenyl) phenyl phosphate reaction mass
phosphate esters
phosphate esters
Manufacturer: PCC Rokita SA
PCC Rokita SA is one of the largest chemical companies in Poland as well as Central and Eastern Europe. Its activity includes the production of chloroalkali, polyether polyols, polyalkylene glycols and phosphorus derivatives.
All the above information related to the product are provided according to the best knowledge of the manufacturer and published in good faith. However, the manufacturer does not guarantee the information and contents of this document are complete and accurate, and shall not be liable for the results of using them. The user is obliged to verify and confirm the information and contents of this documentation on his/her own. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the content of this document at any time without stating reasons of such changes.