Roksol EC is a mixture of surfactants with emulsifying properties. The product is a viscous liquid from yellow to brown in colour. When stored at lower temperatures, Roksol EC increases its viscosity, however, when heated to room temperature and mixed, it returns to its original form without losing its properties.
The product is poorly soluble in water and forms cloudy solutions in it. On the other hand, it dissolves well in vegetable oils and low aliphatic alcohols.
By reducing the interfacial tension, it enables the dispersion of the oil phase in the aqueous phase as well as facilitates the dispersion of the oil phase after the addition of water. Roksol EC causes electrostatic and steric stabilization, which prevents coalescence or flocculation. Additionally, it improves the compatibility of other components in the water phase. In combination with vegetable oil, it loosens and dissolves wax on the plant surface, which contributes to the increase in the penetration (absorption) of herbicides into the plant cells.
Roksol EC is particularly well suited for agrochemical applications, as an emulsifier for the production of oil adjuvants. The product is biodegradable and safe for the aquatic environment.
PCC EXOL SA is one of the most important manufacturers of surfactants and chemical formulations in Central and Eastern Europe. The company offers surfactants, specialist additives and chemical formulations for many branches of industry.
All the above information related to the product are provided according to the best knowledge of the manufacturer and published in good faith. However, the manufacturer does not guarantee the information and contents of this document are complete and accurate, and shall not be liable for the results of using them. The user is obliged to verify and confirm the information and contents of this documentation on his/her own. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the content of this document at any time without stating reasons of such changes.