Betoplast K is an air-entraining and plasticizing admixture intended for concretes and cement mortars. The product is an aqueous solution of anionic and non-ionic surfactants. It is in the form of a homogeneous liquid of blue colour. It solidifies at a temperature of about 1°C . The product is perfectly soluble in water.
The most important function of the product is to increase the frost resistance of concrete. In addition, the air-entraining properties ensure the plasticity of the concrete mix, especially in the production of vibro-pressable elements. Thanks to this, it prevents the hopper from blocking during the production of paving stones.
Betoplast K is designed to introduce small and stable air bubbles into the fresh concrete mix. Due to evenly distributed pores the concrete gains frost-resistant properties. Broken capillaries reduce the absorbability of the hardened concrete, and at low temperatures, the freezing water expands in the pores, increasing its volume, which prevents an increase in internal pressure. In addition, the product improves the plasticity of the concrete. It causes air bubbles to act as bearings, increasing the plasticity of the mixture without the need to change the W/C ratio (water/cement). Moreover, using Betoplast K significantly reduces friction during the concrete pumping stage.
A mixture of anionic and non-ionic surfactants, concrete additive, plasticizer, additive to concrete and cement mortars.
Manufacturer: PCC Exol SA
PCC EXOL SA is one of the most important manufacturers of surfactants and chemical formulations in Central and Eastern Europe. The company offers surfactants, specialist additives and chemical formulations for many branches of industry.
All the above information related to the product are provided according to the best knowledge of the manufacturer and published in good faith. However, the manufacturer does not guarantee the information and contents of this document are complete and accurate, and shall not be liable for the results of using them. The user is obliged to verify and confirm the information and contents of this documentation on his/her own. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the content of this document at any time without stating reasons of such changes.