Superplastyfikator CA40 FF is an aqueous solution of calcium salt of formaldehyde naphthalene sulfonic acids (NSF) polycondensates. The product is brown, contains 40% dry substance and has a very low chloride content, which allows for it to be used as an admixture for concrete. In addition, the content of free formaldehyde is reduced in the production process.
It is a polyelectrolyte belonging to the group of dispersants, having two main applications: as a base for liquefying and plasticizing admixtures in the construction industry and as a water reducer in the production of drywall.
Superplastyfikator CA40 FF belongs to the group of surfactants and as such consists of a hydrophobic organic chain and a hydrophilic sulfone group. Therefore, the mechanism of its action is mainly based on the principle of electrostatic repulsion between the same charges (sulfone groups) that appear on cement or gypsum grains after adsorbing product particles on them. Mutual repulsion of cement grains after adding the superplasticizer breaks down the agglomerates of grains and releases water contained in them. As a result, the fluidity of the concrete mix increases, facilitating its pumping, and the time for the formation of cement hydration products (delaying the setting time of the concrete) increases due to the distance between the cement grains.
According to the PN-EN 934-2 standard, Superplastyfikator CA40 FF, as a liquefaction and plasticizing admixture, can work in the construction industry in two ways. Using it, we can reduce the water / cement ratio (and thus reduce the consumption of mixing water by up to 25%) without compromising the consistency of the mix, which reduces the porosity of hardened concrete, which translates directly into a significant increase in its late strength (up to 30% compared to the mix without added superplasticizer). It also improves the tightness of the concrete element, i.e. its resistance to aggressive substances and frost, as well as resistance to abrasion, as well as the adhesion of new concrete to old. Early strengths also increase, so the demoulding of the concrete element can be accelerated.
While reducing the amount of used water, the addition of Superplastyfikator CA40 FF and maintaining a constant water / cement ratio, we can reduce the amount of cement used, which, in addition to economic benefits, leads to a decrease in the heat of hydration emitted and reduction of shrinkage arising during the setting of concrete. Due to the very low chloride concentration, the product does not contribute to corrosion of steel reinforcements in concrete structures. It does not introduce large amounts of air into the concrete mix, which can potentially lead to deterioration of frost resistance. In addition, it allows concrete to be made at an air temperature of up to -5 ° C without inhibiting cement hydration.
An important issue in the production of gypsum components, e.g. drywall, is the reduction in the amount of water used in the process. The mechanism of action is the same as for the reduction of water in a concrete mix. The reduced amount of water while obtaining a proper flow of the mixture reduces the drying time of the board, and thus reduces the cost of its production. At the same time, Superplastyfikator CA40 FF does not affect the setting times and the adhesion between plaster and paper. It promotes the formation of gypsum crystals in the form of needles, thanks to which the board structure is more durable.
The use of even small amounts of Superplastyfikator CA40 FF allows you to produce cheap and environmentally friendly concrete, which is also characterized by very good strength and rheological properties. It is recommended for the production of ready-mixed concrete, precast concrete, cement mortars and drywall.
Naphthalenesulfonic acid, polymer with formaldehyde, calcium salt (aqueous solution)
Naphthalene sulfonic acid, formaldehyde polymer, calcium salt
Manufacturer: PCC Rokita SA
PCC Rokita SA is one of the largest chemical companies in Poland as well as Central and Eastern Europe. Its activity includes the production of chloroalkali, polyether polyols, polyalkylene glycols and phosphorus derivatives.
All the above information related to the product are provided according to the best knowledge of the manufacturer and published in good faith. However, the manufacturer does not guarantee the information and contents of this document are complete and accurate, and shall not be liable for the results of using them. The user is obliged to verify and confirm the information and contents of this documentation on his/her own. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the content of this document at any time without stating reasons of such changes.