ROKAnol® L30/65 is a product used as an emulsifier in the emulsion polymerization process. It is a mixture of non-ionic surfactants, with ROKAnol® L30 playing the dominant role. Unlike ROKAnol® L30, this product comes in the form of a viscous liquid, which significantly facilitates its dosing in reactions.
At the synthesis stage, ROKAnol® L30/65 emulsifies the monomer and stabilizes the particles of the resulting polymer, preventing coagulation of the emerging dispersion. The high efficiency of the agent during a reaction is obtained in combination with a suitable anionic surfactant, in particular SULFOROKAnol L430/1, SULFOROKAnol L725/1 or SULFOROKAnol L1230/1. The combination with anionic agents allows perfect control of the dispersion particle size.
After the polymerization reaction, ROKAnol® L30/65 demonstrates excellent dispersion stabilizing properties. The high content of ethylene oxide in the product (30 moles EO) provides significant resistance to electrolytes and greatly improves the resistance of the dispersion to repeated freezing and thawing. The product has a positive effect on the parameters of the polymer coating, including its water-tightness and resistance to mechanical factors.
PCC EXOL SA is one of the most important manufacturers of surfactants and chemical formulations in Central and Eastern Europe. The company offers surfactants, specialist additives and chemical formulations for many branches of industry.
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