ROKO® PROFESSIONAL VIX Universal liquid with antibacterial effect

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ROKO® PROFESSIONAL VIX Universal liquid with antibacterial effect
ROKO® PROFESSIONAL VIX Universal liquid with antibacterial effect
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ISO 14001ISO 14001 ISO 50001ISO 50001 ISO 9001ISO 9001 ISO 45001ISO 45001

ROKO® PROFESSIONAL VIX Universal Antibacterial Liquid is a neutral liquid for professional use on all washable surfaces. It effectively cleans kitchen countertops, floors, tiles, windows, plastic and varnished surfaces. The product perfectly removes dirt without leaving streaks and runs.

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Properties and applications


  • effectively removes dirt without streaks and stains;
  • has antibacterial effect;
  • economic in use;
  • dosing: 80ml/ 5 litres of water;
  • mild on hand skin;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • leaves a pleasant and long-lasting fragrance;
  • intended for professional use.


  • cleaning of washable surfaces such as tops, floors, tiles, windows, varnished and made of plastic surfaces.
Alternative names
  • antibacterial liquid
  • washing liquid
  • universal liquid

Manufacturer: PCC Consumer Products Kosmet Sp. z o.o.

PCC Consumer Products Kosmet is one of the largest Polish manufacturers of ready-to-use chemical formulations, including cosmetics and personal hygiene products, disinfectants, household and professional chemistry.

PCC Group

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