Polymax® ED-P4 is commonly used in the stabilization of electroless copper plating baths. Recommended used levels are 0.25 - 1.0% in the bath.
Polymax® ED-P4 belongs to a line of products developed for plating applications. The Polymax® materials offer a variety of functions in both electroless and electrolytic plating baths. Low treat rates and a diversity of chemistries offer economic and formulation options in numerous types of baths.
Polymax® ED-P4 is commonly used in the stabilization of electoless copper plating baths at a recommended use level of 0.25-1.0% by weight. At these concentrations, the product provides a fine grain with excellent deposit properties. Polymax® ED-P4 has extremely high activity and purity and can be used in high build systems (≥ 2ϻm/20 min) which is a preferred method for the electronics industry.
Polymax® ED-P4 is a propoxylated ethylene diamine that is uniquely suited for these electroless copper plating systems. It is non-viscous and has a high flash point to minimize storage and handling issues. It functions as a chelator and stabilizer while offering a low foaming profile to the batch to allow for faster plating speeds and increased efficiency.
PCC Chemax Inc. is specialized in the production of surfactants and chemical specialist additives used, i.a. in the metallurgical, textile, refinery and mining, and plastics industry.
All the above information related to the product are provided according to the best knowledge of the manufacturer and published in good faith. However, the manufacturer does not guarantee the information and contents of this document are complete and accurate, and shall not be liable for the results of using them. The user is obliged to verify and confirm the information and contents of this documentation on his/her own. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the content of this document at any time without stating reasons of such changes.