Rofil GZA is a specialist agent used in the tanning industry. It is an anionic product used in the processes of chrome tanning, retanning and leather filling. The product is an aqueous solution of the acrylic-maleic copolymer sodium salt. It is in the form of a clear or slightly turbid liquid, ranging in colour from colourless to pale yellow. The solidification point of the product is about -7°C.
It is characterized by very high solubility in water and good miscibility with basic synthetic and vegetable tanning agents. Rofil GZA is resistant to salts, acids and weak alkaline environment.
The product has a special affinity to mineral chromium and aluminium tannins. As a result, even low concentration of Rofil GZA is sufficient for effective penetration of the tannin into the skin tissue, significantly improving leather's filling and grain tightness. Rofil GZA contributes to more efficient usage of chromium compounds during the leather tanning bath. Its advantage is its high effectiveness in the case of leathers showing large structural differences, which provides a uniform structure of the material. The use of Rofil GZA also improves leather's resistance to sunlight.
The product is not classified according to the CLP regulation.
Aqueous mixture of acrylic-maleic copolymer, sodium salt
Chrome tanning agent
anionic agent.
Manufacturer: PCC Exol SA
PCC EXOL SA is one of the most important manufacturers of surfactants and chemical formulations in Central and Eastern Europe. The company offers surfactants, specialist additives and chemical formulations for many branches of industry.
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