Rokryl GA14 is an anionic auxiliary agent used in the tanning industry. It is used for retanning and filling chrome and vegetable tanned leather. The product is an aqueous solution of acrylic syntan containing complexing agents of iron ions. It is a viscous liquid with a light straw colour. It is characterized by high solubility in cold and warm water.
The product shows moderate resistance to acids and good resistance to mineral tanning agents and iron salts. In addition, it is miscible with synthetic and vegetable tanning agents. Rokryl GA14 improves penetration of synthetic, resin and vegetable tanning agents used in the re-tanning process. It improves the filling and grain tightness, gives leather elasticity and fullness. Moderately brightens the dye.
The product not only speeds up the leather tanning in the vegetable tanning process, but also significantly improves their filling, grain tightness, as well as resistance to sunlight. The filling capacity of Rokryl is practically twice as high as that of vegetable tanning agents. Rokryl GA14 is resistant to iron salts and when used together with vegetable tanning agents it reduces the risk of iron stains.
Sodium salt of an acrylic copolymer containing complexing agents of iron ions
Aqueous solution of acrylic syntan
sodium salt with iron ions.
Manufacturer: PCC Exol SA
PCC EXOL SA is one of the most important manufacturers of surfactants and chemical formulations in Central and Eastern Europe. The company offers surfactants, specialist additives and chemical formulations for many branches of industry.
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