Tensamin EC is a specialist, properly selected and composed mixture of active substances used in power engineering. It provides corrosion protection in water-steam circuits as well as in heating water circuits in power plants and combined heat and power plants. Tensamin EC is a ready-to-use product. Used in small quantities, it provides efficient operation, enabling reduction of the costs associated with the application of chemical correction in power plants and combined heat and power plants.
Used in small quantities, it provides efficient operation, allowing the reduction of costs associated with the application of chemical correction in power plants and combined heat and power plants. The use of Tensamin EC not only enables to control the pH inside the tanks and pipelines, but also its active components create a protective film on the surface of the metal. This film is an additional protective barrier for pipes and metal parts of the circuit, without disrupting heat transfer.
Another key parameter is water quality, which not only determines the economic indicators of energy production, but also has a significant impact on the operational reliability and durability of heating equipment. The product prevents the precipitation of sediments due to the presence of dispersing surfactants. It combines easy dosing with multifunctional performance.
anticorrosive preparation in water and steam cycles
Manufacturer: PCC Exol SA
PCC EXOL SA is one of the most important manufacturers of surfactants and chemical formulations in Central and Eastern Europe. The company offers surfactants, specialist additives and chemical formulations for many branches of industry.
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