Polikon TEST 50 is a frost-resistant, fire-resistant hydraulic fluid of HFC type and a cooling medium. It is used in engineering and mining industry, especially as a lubricant in cylinders. Ideal for filling hydraulic power units.
The product is intended for testing, transport and maintenance of hydraulic equipment. It is a mixture of surfactants, glycols, functional additives, water and dyes.
The commercial product is in the form of a fluorescent green liquid. The characteristic colour makes it easy to locate leaks in the machine. The product is defined as a fire resistant hydraulic fluid. It provides excellent lubricating properties and a low freezing point.
Due to the presence of functional additives such as corrosion inhibitors, the product exhibits anti-corrosion properties for: steel, aluminium alloys, copper and brass. Polikon Test 50 is gentle on seals and, due to the presence of an anti-foam agent, is moderately prone to foam formation.
Due to its extremely low freezing point (-50 ˚C), the product can be used as a cooling medium in refrigeration systems.
Polikon TEST 50 meets the restrictive requirements for fire resistant hydraulic fluids of the Central Mining Institute of Poland.
Water solution of ethylene and propylene glycol with the addition of anticorrosive agents, colorant and anti-foaming agents
Water solution of ethylene and propylene glycol with the addition of anticorrosive agent and colorant
Manufacturer: PCC Exol SA
PCC EXOL SA is one of the most important manufacturers of surfactants and chemical formulations in Central and Eastern Europe. The company offers surfactants, specialist additives and chemical formulations for many branches of industry.
All the above information related to the product are provided according to the best knowledge of the manufacturer and published in good faith. However, the manufacturer does not guarantee the information and contents of this document are complete and accurate, and shall not be liable for the results of using them. The user is obliged to verify and confirm the information and contents of this documentation on his/her own. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the content of this document at any time without stating reasons of such changes.