Chemical name
Mixture of chemicals
EXOclean AL
EXOclean AL
EXOclean AL
Individual inquiries
ISO 14001ISO 14001 ISO 50001ISO 50001 ISO 9001ISO 9001 ISO 45001ISO 45001

EXOclean AL is a concentrated, highly alkaline cleaning mixture, intended for professional use. This specialized cleaning concentrate with a pH above 13 is in the form of a clear, low-viscous liquid. In addition, it exhibits very high solubility in water and low freezing point below -20 ° C. These features facilitate transport, storage and handling of the product under process conditions.

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Properties and applications

Product advantages:

  • concentrated mixture with very high pH, low pour point and very high solubility in water,
  • high efficiency of dissolving and removing difficult fat deposits,
  • designed for surfaces made of acid-proof steel as well as glazed, glass and concrete substrates,
  • convenient storage, transport and processing.


  • specialised products for internal cleaning of cisterns, pipelines, tanks, containers and other surfaces.
Alternative names
  • Cleaner
  • strong alkaline cleaner
  • cleaning agent for professional use
  • industrial cleaner

Manufacturer: PCC Exol SA

PCC EXOL SA is one of the most important manufacturers of surfactants and chemical formulations in Central and Eastern Europe. The company offers surfactants, specialist additives and chemical formulations for many branches of industry.

PCC Group

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