Large surface disinfection
cities, streets, hospitals and staircases, hotels, boarding houses, kindergartens

Disinfectants straight from the manufacturer

Rokopol Anti Virus is used in effective disinfection of all public places such as hospitals, health care facilities, schools, kindergartens, bus stops, offices and others.

We all know disinfectants and their intended use. However, not all of us are certain which preparations should be used in specific situations and how to use them to protect our health, especially during an epidemic.

Of course, crucial factors in preventing the risk of exposure to bacteria and viruses are personal hygiene and cleanliness. But what agents should be used to protect large farms, public places or even entire cities? One of the chemical disinfectants recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) is SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE. It is an extremely effective disinfectant, well-proven in the fight against the coronavirus. To reduce the number of cases, we need to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A crucial role in this prevention is played by effective disinfection.

Large area disinfection – offer

Use of sodium hypochlorite for disinfection of large surfaces

Sodium hypochlorite is excellent as a disinfectant for pavements, streets and bus/tram stops. Research results show that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can survive for a few hours, both in the air and on different surfaces. Therefore particular attention must be paid primarily to the disinfection of places, where many people gather.

Sodium hypochlorite is also used in food processing plants and on animal farms. This product is perfect for the disinfection of surfaces in contact with food and animal feed. It can also be used in water tanks, systems for supplying drinking water and for the disinfection of drinking water, swimming pools or decontamination of air-conditioning systems.

Sodium hypochlorite is also recommended for use in medical institutions, hospitals, clinics or laboratories. Studies show that sodium hypochlorite is a potent virucidal agent. Within a few minutes, this substance is able to inactivate viruses such as the avian flu virus and the coronavirus. However, it should always be used in the proper concentration.

When used in the proper concentration, sodium hypochlorite is an ideal disinfectant for homes, farms or public places. For disinfection purposes, the recommended concentration is in the range between 0.1 – 0.5%. In this range, the agent provides an effective virucidal effect after 1 minute.

Large area disinfection products

FAQ – questions and answers about large area disinfection

How to protect yourself against the coronavirus?
  • wash hands regularly and thoroughly and use hand disinfectants,
  • disinfect surfaces that may come into contact with other people,
  • disinfect, in particular, handles, handrails, shopping trolleys, public transport, pavements, stops, public places, workplaces, hospitals, offices and other places where large concentrations of people pass through,
  • keep at least 2 meters away from other people,
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth,
  • cover mouth and nose, especially when coughing or sneezing,
  • if you feel unwell, stay home and observe the symptoms,
  • if you have symptoms such as fever, coughing and breathing difficulties, seek medical attention and call the appropriate medical facility or emergency room in advance,
  • keep the information on and follow up on COVID-19 and the authorities’ recommendations,
  • where possible, avoid going out of the house and in particular travelling.

With what to wash and disinfect hands?
Washing your hands with soap and water helps us protect against coronavirus. However, the World Health Organisation recommends the additional use of hand disinfectants. It is best to bet on tested preparations, which are additionally certified for their virucidal and bactericidal effects.

In order to meet the demand, the PCC Group offers ROKO PROFESSIONAL DUO ACTIVE hand wash. It can be used both at home and for professional use. It is ideal for industrial and service sectors as well as public institutions (e.g. hospitals).

How to disinfect small and large areas and public places?
The World Health Organization, for disinfection of all surfaces and rooms, particularly recommends the use of sodium hypochlorite or hypochlorite based preparations. A number of ready-made solutions are available on the market, which have the appropriate approvals and are safe.
The PCC Group offers a wide range of products that are safe solutions for disinfection in homes, public places, institutions, hospitals, but also in industry. These are preparations with proven virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal properties. Among them we can find both those for individual and professional use.

For disinfection of objects and hard surfaces, resistant to alcohol, we recommend ROKAnol P and ROKAnol PW products. These products are distinguished by their effective disinfecting effect. The liquids are ready to use and recommended for use in public facilities. They can be used individually, but are also recommended for professional use.

Do disinfectants really protect us from the coronavirus?
The Pure Sodium Hypochlorite Biocidal Product Group has issued a statement on the virulence of products containing active chlorine released from sodium hypochlorite. The members of the Group have submitted a joint application for the granting of the EU Permission for a Family of Biocidal Products containing the active substance Active Chlorine in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 (BPR). The application is currently under examination by the evaluating competent authority.
Biocidal products belonging to the Biocidal Product Family which are intended for use in product types 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 according to Annex V to the BPR. The dossiers submitted shall include efficacy test reports based on European standards demonstrating efficacy against ambient viruses.
The coronavirus 2019-nCoV study showed similarity (at least 70%) to the SARS-CoV genetic sequence that emerged in 2002 worldwide. Only limited preventive measures are available to reduce human infections. To prevent the spread of the virus, the WHO recommends various types of hygiene measures, including 70% ethanol or sodium hypochlorite. The German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recommends the use of disinfectants that have a proven “viral killing effect against capillary viruses”. This recommendation is based on studies carried out by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN). Studies have shown that disinfectants with a confirmed ‘virucidal effect on granules viruses’, based on the CEN framework methodology, are effective against all granules viruses, including coronaviruses such as 2019-nCoV.
It is therefore essential to use proven agents that have virulcidal properties. The PCC Group offers ready-made sodium hypochlorite based products that are effective in disinfection and are distinguished by their virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal properties. These are preparations: Rokopol Anti Virus, Rokopol Anti Virus X. Each disinfectant is accompanied by an authorisation to be made available on the market and used as a biocidal product.

Is the disinfection of public places of interest effective?

Researchers from the Małopolska Biotechnology Centre of the Jagiellonian University, in cooperation with the city authorities and the municipal police, conducted research on the determination of environmental contamination with SARS-CoV-2 virus in Cracow.
The samples used in the research came from places with high traffic density. Swabs from flat surfaces were taken, among others, from ATMs and ticket machines located at bus stops as well as at shopping malls. The tests were carried out using the genetic test “Real-Time Fluorescent RT-PCR Kit for Detecting SARS-2019-nCoV” from BGI Genomics Co. Ltd.

The study conducted in mid-March showed that more than 40% of the samples were found to contain the virus’s genetic material. This was material that had accumulated on surfaces for several days. The following weeks of testing brought more and more optimistic results. At the beginning of April, only one sample was positive in the subsequent samplings of that day.

The results mean that the virus appears only incidentally when a sick person appears in the area. However, it is not permanently present in a public space. The authors of the research emphasize that this is an effect of steps taken by the city, including effective disinfection of public spaces.


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PCC Group products

PCC Group offers a wide range of disinfectants. They include a whole line of products based on sodium hypochlorite, which can effectively help in the fight against spreading the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. One of these is ROKO®CHLORIN – a disinfectant for spraying and immersion. It is a low-foaming liquid for professional use. It provides a virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal effect. It contains active chlorine, which acts as an oxidizing biocide. Its full bactericidal effect is achieved after 5 minutes. It is applied by spraying and by adding to the circuits of water systems to ensure water disinfection. Used as a spray, it works well as a disinfectant for pavements, bus/tram stops and streets. This formulation is also used as a disinfectant liquid in the food industry and in animal husbandry.

ROKO® CHLORIN is effective also as a disinfectant in CIP systems (Cleaning in Place), including pipes, tanks, mixers, heat exchangers, filling devices etc. It is used for disinfecting water used for drinking, swimming pools and water reservoirs.

Using these types of preparations for disinfection of waterworks ensures a safe water supply for homes, protecting the users against exposure to COVID-19 as well as other viruses, bacteria or fungi.

However, we cannot forget the importance of personal hygiene and use of effective disinfectants, both in our homes and in public places. We all must remember how important prevention is, especially during the epidemic caused by the coronavirus, which is very dangerous pathogen

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